Monday, March 5, 2018

Opini : Don't forget to be grateful

Friday is my favorite day in a week. I guess everyone loves Friday.
I always excited when it's Friday because it means that weekend is coming very soon yaayyy! So I'm going to make a list of things that I'm really grateful of on this day.

1. I'm a careless person so I always bumped into things like table or chair or ANYTHING. For example, today i just bumped into my canteen's table TWICE (I didn't learn from mistake that's why i hurt my legs twice, i kno i'm stupid)
Although i bumped into things a lot, at least i never broke my bone or get injured seriously xD I always got bruises everywhere bcs of my stupidity lmao but it'll be gone in a week. So yeah it's one thing that I'm super grateful of.

2. Nice foods
I had a good meal today. Eating 3 times a day is something rare to do. I usually only ate 1-2 times in a day but today i eat a lot. Even it's already 10pm i still ate noodles just to gain my weight. When most of the girls try so hard to lose their weight, I'm grateful because I'm skinny enough without desperately doing any diet. I still want to gain 1-2kg only so my body will looks better.

3. Caring boyfriend
My bf asked me to eat a lot and make sure i finished my foods. It means that he care to my health and my body. Even myself didn't really pay attention to my eating routine:") I knoooo it's just a small thing but i do love small things hehehe

OMG. I'm so thankful because FINALLYYY i can take a nap peacefully this afternoon without thinking about deadline :") Enough said. I guess i don't have to say much about this point.

That's all the things to be grateful of from this day. I always remind myself to be grateful everyday even for the smallest thing, because life will be easier when you're grateful of what you have. Good night! Jangan lupa bersyukur dan berterimakasih!❤

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