Saturday, March 10, 2018

Opini : What I've Learned from College

Being in a college is one thing that I'm grateful of. Finally I can get into a major that I've been dreaming since I was in the 2nd year of high school. 

I remember how my new student orientation going. It was awkward for me at first. Meeting lots of new people from different city, background, and ethnic. But as the time goes, I can know every single person's name from my major that in the same year with me.

I thought college life is not so different with high school life. But I was wrong. Both of them are so so so much different. 

The first week i go to college, everything is different. I get a bit of 'culture shock'. I wonder about everything. I'm just observing how the college life is by seeing the surroundings and how the seniors act. 

Finally I know that if I'm in college, I don't have to bring lots of notebooks, i don't have to wear backpack everyday, And in college, i have 4 chance in every class to not join the class.

I also realized that people became so individual and selfish. You have to do everything by yourself. The lecturer will not told you to do this and that. You can choose to go to class seriously (taking notes, being active, and pay attention to the lecturer), or you can choose just coming into the class and doing nothing. Even you can choose not to join the class.

 And on the exam, people also struggling with theirself. If in high school cheating is a common thing, it doesn't work in college. Me personally is someone who stop cheating in exam since i went to high school, so it such a relief that in college, the amount of student who cheats in exam is not as much as in high school.

I learned that being in college helps me to open up my mind because i met lots of people from different background and different mind. It's okay if you're gay, lesbian, transgender, bi, atheist, or even if you worship foods (nah lmao the last thing is joking). As long as you do goods in your college life and as long as you being nice to other people then your background doesn't matter.

Another thing that I learned is, I have to study more by myself. I have to take notes and pay attention to the lecturer. In short, i have to be responsible for myself.

Being a college student is a fun and challenging thing. I have to join organization/association to improve my quality. I have to learn to be a part of a project because in the future,  the work environment is much cruel and I have to survive in the future. I take the college life as a "training" to overcome the real world.

I can't just come into uni and studying in class and then going back home. I have to socialize with other people. I have to get out from my comfort zone to improve myself. I guess thats all for today. I think I have talked to much. Byebyeee

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